Ludo Rules

  1. Game will be conducted between 2 players.
  2. No bonus move on finish token as there is no finishing track in ApnaLudo Ludo.
  3. You will get 'SIX' on dice roll, if your dice roll not got 'SIX' for consecutive 10 turns.
  4. For every turn in game, user have 30 seconds to play move, else your token will get moved automatically.
  5. On disconnect/leaving from game, your turn will be automatically played for max 5 times.
  6. On sixth (6th) miss/timeout move, player will be considered as looser.
  7. If all your tokens are at home and your opponent get disconnected, game will be considered as 'cancelled'.
  8. If your opponent leaves/disconnect from game at starting or middle of game, result will be declared as 100% win.
  9. A player must have to record every game, and if any player is hacking or cheating in a game, please contact support with video proof.
  10. If you don't have any proof against player cheating and error in the game, then you will be considered as lost for a particular battle.
  11. Automatic exit or left गेम में गोटी ओपन होने पर एडमिन अपने विवेक से गेम celer करेगा। धन्यवाद।🙏🏼
  12. OTP किसी को ना दे ॥ हमारी टीम किसी से किसी भी काम के लिये OTP नहीं लेती है । यदि आप किसी को OTP देते है तो उसके ज़िम्मेदार आप स्वयं होंगे।